Volume 1, Issue 7, 2018
The Long Struggle for Quality Education for African Americans in East Florida
Leonard R. Lempel, Daytona State College
Reveries of Florida’s Past: Documenting Historic & Imagined Florida
F. Evan Nooe, UNC-Charlotte
The Experiment at Fort Marion: Richard Henry Pratt’s Recreation of Penitential Regimes at the Old Fort and its Influence on American Indian Education
Sarah Kathryn Pitcher Hayes, Seminole State College
How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love José Martí
Alfred J. López, Purdue University
Photography Portfolio: Karl Baden, Boston College
By Biscayne
Horacio Sierra, Bowie State University
Remembering Antebellum Florida as an Education Destination: The Allure of Healthy Environs, Affordability, and Absence “From the Usual Incentives of Vice”
Charles H. “Trey” Willson III, University of North Georgia
“Iron Him, Colonel!” Theodore Roosevelt Hunts Devilfish in Punta Gorda, Florida
Christopher C. Meyers, Valdosta State University
Jacob W. Meyers
Police Reporting at The Ocala Star-Banner
David Lee McMullen, UNC Charlotte
Florida Revealed: Dispatches From the Land of Publix, Citrus, and Alligators
Joanna Grey Talbot, Matheson History Museum, Gainesville FL